Terms & Conditions


Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully before using this website operated by Joblink - Connecting students and jobs. We reserve the right to modify these Terms & Conditions at any time.

Services Provided

We provide a service to bring Job Seekers and Employers together. Job Seekers and Employers can register, create profiles/job posts and search for jobs and resumes.

Privacy Policy

Job Seeker personal data will be available to Employers visiting this website.. Personal data includes a Name which is mandatory, an email Address which is mandatory and a Telephone Number which is optional.

Personal data provided by the user may be used by us to notify the user of any news, and or promotional offers relating only to this website. The user can unsubscribe from these notifications at anytime.

We will not disclose user personal data to any third party unconnected with the delivery of our services.

Please view further information on our privacy policy

Website Use

This website may not be used for any of the following purposes:

  1. To contact users regarding any issue apart from the purpose of recruitment.
  2. To contact users to offer any services from a 3rd party company without their consent.
  3. To post any illegal content.

The user is required to provide truthful information in their profile or job post.

It is prohibited to use any text or images from this website for personal or commercial use.

Code of Standards for advertising with Joblink – Connecting Students and Jobs

Job vacancies MUST:

  1. Meet or exceed the National Minimum Wage or the Living Wage
  2. Adhere to the Working Time Directive and the employer must ensure that they are aware the person (s) applying has study commitments
  3. Meet all statutory legal requirements in respect of insurances, Health & Safety and PAYE (Tax, NI provisions and payslips)
  4. Comply with legislation against discrimination in employment on the basis of gender, ethnic origin, disability and age.
  5. Not exceed 20 hours per week where an international student VISA does not allow it.
  6. Be closed or withdrawn immediately if the vacancy has been filled or no longer required.

Joblink reserves the right to refuse vacancies that is considers to be unsuitable.

User Information

We do not hold responsibility for any untruthful and/or inaccurate information included in job posts and profiles.

We reserves the right to edit or delete any information submitted by the user to the website.