DC Site Services

We are currently recruiting festival crew for Summer 2020. We have a number of roles available for traffic marshals, stewards, cleaners and litter pickers.

DC Site Services is an event and festival staff contractor. We provide paid staff and volunteers to over 250 events and festivals throughout the UK and parts of Europe including Glastonbury, Reading & Leeds, Latitude, Electric Picnic and many more. Roles include traffic management, waste management, stewarding, event cleaning services, site crew and more. Staff are employed on a casual event-by-event basis and can apply online to as many or few events as they choose.

The application procedure involves browsing our current event schedule and applying via our online portal, PAAM: www.dcsiteservices.com/staff-and-volunteers/staff

Event/festival work is ideal for students during the summer break. No prior experience necessary, all training will be provided. Enjoy the summer working with friends, attending festivals for FREE and earning money in the process!