Aquila Nuclear Engineering Ltd

Aquila Nuclear Engineering Ltd was formed in 2011 as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Calder Group of Companies, a pan-European lead-based processing and engineering group with a turnover of approximately €200m.

Aquila is a dedicated nuclear engineering company, specialising in the provision of fit for purpose engineering solutions and equipment for bespoke nuclear requirements.

The Aquila team has been involved in the nuclear industry for the past 40 years with experience from every licenced nuclear site in the UK. Our seasoned engineers have been involved in projects from the design concept stage right through to manufacturing, testing, installation and commissioning. This experienced group of nuclear engineers work hand in hand with Aquila’s younger engineers coming into the industry.

Clients engage with Aquila at various stages in the delivery process, but we like to get involved as early as possible so that we can share best industry practice from the start, saving time, money and delivering exactly to our clients’ requirements.

Our vision is to be the company of choice, delivering mission critical nuclear engineering solutions in Europe, the Commonwealth and Pacific Rim. We combine proven management expertise with technical and process innovation to solve nuclear engineering challenges.