X-Lab has been around since 2006 but it is the last two years in which we have seen our most dramatic changes and growth.
Our core product, Labgnostic, is a service which connects diagnostic organisations (primarily pathology labs) together through a single exchange hub. Labgnostic - which is marketed under NPEx (the National Pathology Exchange) in the UK - has become the market leader in the UK and has played a key role in the UK’s pandemic response by matching requests and results for the majority of the country’s COVID-19 tests.
While we’ve been operating in the UK for over 15 years, X-Lab has the appetite for growth, opportunities, and scalability of a start-up. As we continue to grow, we’re looking to expand through both the diversity of our product offering in the UK and with our geographic reach to global markets, notably in the US.
Ultimately, our vision is to be the leader in connecting the world's diagnostic systems to improve healthcare for all.